Amazon Leagues is making games and when you play them, that makes us happy.
By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms in this document.
You agree not to do anything illegal while using our services.
You acknowledge that the game is a work in progress, not complete, and possibly buggy. We'd love to hear about any bug you find, and we'll try to fix them as soon as possible. We're not liable for bugs or incompleteness.
The game can be played either online (where data is streamed from the server as necessary) or offline (where all game data is downloaded and stored locally). While playing online, if our servers have issues, you'll have issues playing. We'll try to keep the servers up as much as possible. We can't guarantee they'll always be up and accept no liability for server uptime.
We reserve the right to modify or discontinue services.
The demo is free to play without paying us anything, providing us any data or linking to any service.
The full (in-development) version of the game is available to paying members of our Patreon. Patreon handles all the billing and payment processing. We get information from them to make sure you're still in good standing and able to access the full version of the game.
We collect and use data as outlined in our Privacy Policy. TL;DR, we only collect enough to make things work and don't share it with anyone.
We don't technically use any cookies. We do use local storage in a cookie-like manner to remember who you are so you don't have to constantly log back in over and over again. We do not use any 3rd party cookies or trackers.
To the extent allowed by law, Amazon Leagues retains ownership of all intellectual property.
The governing law for disputes is the law of the state of Colorado in the United States of America. We aim for transparency and legal compliance.
Created: 2024-11-07
Last Modified: 2024-11-07